Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Downward Spiral

My cell phone, already notorious for dropping calls and turning itself off entirely at the end of a call, continues on its downward spiral.

This weekend, the plastic on the hinge began to flake off.* Soon I had a sort of cyber-hybrid look (think Seven of Nine from Star Trek, or Adam from Buffy the Vampire Slayer):

The hinge now feels so flimsy that I wonder each time I flip open the phone if this will be its last hurrah.** It's almost enough to make me stop playing the tetris demo game every five minutes on the subway.

I've seen worse -- imagine cell phones with huge cracks all over their face, held together by a polyurethane coat or duct tape -- but this degeneration does not bode well. After all, plastic does not have the same self-healing properties as skin (an odd fact, when you think about the term plastic surgery for procedures which can only be successful to the extent that the skin is not like plastic).

*Possibly due to an adjacent pack of cards in my purse inexorably pressing against the phone.... This is actually a more plausible theory than it may sound.
**Then again, I did forget my cell phone at home last weekend. Were I inclined to anthropomorphize electronics, I might think this was payback/abandonment issues....

1 comment:

Steph J. said...

Oh, you may not actually need the flip part of the phone. I have a knack for dropping electronic devices on concrete, and once the whole flip part just broke off. Phone continued to work OK! But when we went to get a new camera a couple of years ago, Andrew asked which ones had the highest percentage of metal.