Thursday, June 30, 2011

Punch Brothers

I had secretly hoped that the Punch Brothers were inspired by - or at least aware of - Mark Twain's short story A Literary Nightmare (a/k/a "Punch, Brothers, Punch!"). The story discusses M.T.'s supposed encounter with a jingle ("Punch, brothers, punch with care! Punch in the presence of the passenjare!") that embeds itself into his brain.[fn1]

It's a cute - if predictable - story, in which the narrator starts by quoting the virus-like jingle, explores the horrors experienced by those infected with it, and concludes with the following lines: "Why did I write this article? It was for a worthy, even a noble, purpose. It was to warn you, reader, if you should came across those merciless rhymes, to avoid them--avoid them as you would a pestilence." (Ha ha ha.)

I didn't see anything at all about the M.T. story on the Punch Brothers' website -- even after running a google search on the site for words such as "twain", "clemens" and "passenjare"[fn2] -- but in this instance, wikipedia gives me the answer I like, so I will of course assume that wikipedia is correct.

But the Punch Brothers' music is reasonably infectious in its own right, and their concert in Prospect Park was a good excuse for a farewell picnic for Lauren, who is also leaving New York.

What's up with all these departures, anyway? Is it a sign?


fn1: I recall becoming aware of the M.T. story and a modern version of it simultaneously, in early elementary school (the mental image is of our kitchen in Ohio). In the modern story, there is a catchy rhyme about donuts which similarly hijacks the narrator's brain. It's something like "There's not no nuts in you-know-whats. Because a wholly whole hole with a hole bitten in it is a wholly whole hole, and it just plain isn't!" But I haven't been able to find this online in a google search, so I don't know the author or title of this piece.

fn2: For example, the google search passenjare returns ZERO hits (same result if you substitute in "twain" or "clemens"), whereas the search bluegrass returns 189 hits.


Anonymous said...

Sorry for posting this on a 10-year-old blog post, but I was looking for that book with the donut song and found your blog. I think it's "Homer Price" by Robert McCloskey, if you're still looking.

LeesMyth said...

Thanks! That sounds exactly right, and I see now that another blogger has quoted it at