Sunday, November 06, 2005

The Call of the Digital Camera

Well, I have learned the hard way that I can't count on friends and relatives to (a) take pictures of everything that needs to be memorialized and (b) send me the pictures afterward. Not to name any names, but the parents of a certain niece who shall not be named would do well to upload their darned pictures already and email them to a certain aunt.

But I digress. My point is: Welcome to Brooklyn! Now that I finally gave in and got my own digital camera, here's a brief photo tour.

All you ecologists out there, take heart. A tree does, in fact, grow in Brooklyn. Okay, this one may not literally be growing at the moment since its leaves have already turned color in preparation for winter.

Here's another one for our skeptical Michigan friends who do not believe that, as compared with certain inhospitable northern climes, NYC is essentially in the tropics. You will note that as of November 6, the leaves are still entirely green. Amateur botanists confirm that this specimen is not any variety of coniferous tree known in the vernacular as "evergreen". To the contrary, it is an oak tree, known primarily for its propensity to drop copious numbers of acorns and to change its leaves directly from vibrant green to dull boring brown.

This next one is also a scene from Brooklyn. Note the palm fronds sticking out from the terrace. A palm tree grows in Brooklyn too, it seems, and this is outside in November.

That's it for now. In the immortal words of Bill Watterson, "Further bulletins as events warrant."

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