Thursday, August 24, 2006

Mars Attacks!

NEW PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: Sorry, everyone, go back to bed. The supposed once-in-a-lifetime approach between Mars and Earth previously posted here turns out to be a HOAX repeated from last year, and I fell for it. (See the comment to this post.) Thank goodness the skies are cloudy up & down the east coast, so nobody probably was planning to try to see Mars ... which is apparently behind the sun this August so we can't see it at all!

I saw Rigoletto last night -- my plan to attend was in place all along, although at the last minute I ended up with 100% different companions than I expected. It was a lovely & very cool evening, with great music and great people-watching (we were too far from the stage to see the details of what the musicians were doing). It seems that the Met is performing Rigoletto another two or three more times in different NYC parks ... I'm sooooo tempted!

One more surprise this week. I took one of those cheesy personality quizzes with maybe 20 seemingly non-insightful questions. And they totally nailed my Meyers-Briggs personality type: Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiver (INTP), which they call "The Scholar." (Others call this type "The Architect," but it's the same thing.) So maybe I should take their advice and keep my eyes out for an INTJ (a/k/a "The Expert" or "The Mastermind"), ENTJ (a/k/a "The General" or "The Field Marshal") (like my dad? yikes!), or ENTP (a/k/a "The Innovator"). Or not.


Anonymous said...

Turns out the Mars story is a myth (pi):

LeesMyth said...

Alas, Anonymous, you are correct. I've updated my post accordingly.

My only defense is that I obtained my information from an ordinarily trustworthy source... who was just as disappointed as I was to hear it was false.

I was actually checking the weekend weather on Friday evening to see if there was any place on the eastern seabord (between D.C. and Maine) or as far west as Chicago to see this amazing sight. Thank goodness it was cloudy everywhere!

Steph J. said...

Ahh, I am also an INTP. I have been told this type is somewhat uncommon, yet many of my friends seem to share this combo. The moniker I heard was Absent-Minded Professor. My husband would agree. He's an ESTJ (what is that?). There's no doubt that the p/j difference in our personalities causes the most trouble, though I admit that the J means that we get places on time and with the correct accessories/clothes/equipment.

I'm catching up after having your link deleted after a computer crash. Loved the photos from Ireland. I spent a memorable 3 days in the Aran Islands in December. Did you see the Book of Kells in Dublin? Missing them was one of my chief regrets of my stop there.

LeesMyth said...

Hi Steph,

I just saw your post - thanks for stopping by! INTP is supposed to be only 2% of the population, and even more rare among women. But it doesn't surprise me that INTPs would naturally gravitate to friendships with one another.

I love your description of the effect of Andrew's J tendencies! That's absolutely classic. Hope everyone is doing well.