Sunday, April 22, 2007

A Change in the Weather

Return trip from Staten Island Friday afternoon:

Central Park Sunday, near the roller disco area:

This picture understates the gloriousness of the weather Sunday, but it was still early in the morning (after I picked up free tickets to NYC Ballet's Romeo + Juliet, but before the birds started to use me for target practice during my pre-FAPC nap).

Pastor Rock gave a sermon about the simplicity of grace and our human capacity for error in trying to impose additional requirements for "true" Christian living. I found myself really moved by a story about 6 athletes in the 100-yard dash of the Special Olympics; one guy fell shortly after the race started, and the others came back to get him. Our text was 1 Corinthians 13 (the call to love and humility), but it also made me think of Philippians 3:13-14 because the racers' eyes were on the true prize, not on who would win that race.

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