Saturday, October 25, 2008

Mission: Accomplished!

I have a tremendous feeling of accomplishment today, and I owe it all to my to-do list. I don't generally create one. And when I do, it's usually a mind-dump of all the possible things I "could" or "should" do in the short- and long-term. It's pretty rare for me to complete even one item on such a list.

But today my to-do list had exactly three items on it:
* Buffy?
* Salvation Army drop-off
* Pick up clothes

Not only did I achieve each of these objectives, I exceeded them.

Dear readers, modesty ordinarily forbids me from dwelling on my many accomplishments, but
perhaps in this case my example will be instructive, and even inspirational to some of you. As the poet said, "Lives of great men all remind us /We can make our lives sublime /And, departing, leave behind us /Footprints in the sands of time."

Therefore (ahem!) an explanation is in order. "Buffy?" meant I should go to the local library and attempt to round out my cultural literacy by borrowing or placing a hold on
a Buffy the Vampire Slayer book or DVD. I not only borrowed a Buffy book (my first!), but also placed a hold on a Buffy DVD, and a hold on Twilight, a vampire story by Stephanie Meyers. I feel more cultured already. For the "Salvation Army drop-off," I not only donated the suit and sandals that have been kicking around my living room for a month, but also donated two very nice but unflattering sweaters that I tried on this morning, thus incrementally improving my wardrobe. Finally, when I went to "[p]ick up clothes" from the cleaners, I also left two items to be cleaned, demonstrating a ruthless efficiency far above and beyond my original plan!

I won't even mention the other errands and tasks undertaken and accomplished in the afterglow of my initial success, nor the extra exercise effortlessly woven into the 5 or 6 trips up and down the stairs of my 4th floor walk-up.

I will now rest on my laurels for a well-earned nap. Sheer bliss.

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