Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Author, Author!

I'm gonna be published!  Well, OK, technically I've had works accepted for publication before - sometimes even credited under my own name.  Poems in elementary school publications.  Articles in high school newspapers.  The (very) occasional op-ed or legal article.  And even co-authorship of a chapter in a big fancy law book, with a real binding and everything.

All very nice, in their way.  But I learned a month ago that I was going to be paid for  the publication of some of my works.  This is novel indeed.  Although "novel" may not be the right word, since we're talking about two poems and an essay.

I actually got the first heads-up that my pieces were chosen back in July, but I've been keeping it pretty quiet.  Partly because it's hard to know how much of an honor this is before I see the final publication (ye shall know them by the company they keep, as they say).

But still - this seems like an important milestone.  I already cashed the check, and will try not to spend it all in one place.


Bridges said...

Congratulations! That's fantastic. What book? When does it come out? Would you sign our copy when we get one? :-)

LeesMyth said...

Thanks, B! It's probably going to be more of a pamphlet though - a Lenten devotional, to be precise. Gilderoy Lockhart and I will, of course, stand ready to sign copies for everyone. :)

Anonymous said...

Nice one lady, tell Bob, he is reviving his literary ambitions.
Trust GL is behaving himself.

LeesMyth said...

Thanks Bill, I think GL is still a bit woozy from the obliviate spells but otherwise keeping out of trouble.. LLS

Steph J. said...

Awesome! How exciting--congrats. More importantly, will you be the next one featured on Witch Weekly?
-Prof. Sprout

LeesMyth said...

Alas, Professor Sprout, Witch Weekly is not that which it used to be (except weakly). So probably not unless they can find a way to link me with Harry in their gossip column.