Saturday, February 25, 2006

Boids in the Hood

I made dinner tonight for some friends. We were very merry, and the time went quickly. No pictures though. So here are some of my more ambitious pictures from last weekend in Prospect Park. (There's also a 6-second video I took of the birds swimming around in circles.)

On the water.

Taking off and swarming (yes, they reminded me of insects).

In flight (look for the little dark flecks).

In flight (look for the little white flecks).

One of my co-counsel on a billion-dollar case is fond of the expression "As night follows day...." By this, he means that the result we seek is inevitable from the facts and the case law. It ain't, which is why the client has hired multiple law firms to appeal a series of unfavorable decisions up and up to the high court.

However, I will creatively follow his lead here and turn from day-time pictures to night-time pictures. I'll start with yet another picture where my ambition somewhat exceeded my skill and equipment.
ESB & full moon, in November 2005:

In keeping with the night-time theme (and the bird theme, although in the figurative sense of night-owls), here is a more successful (and very recent) picture of Times Square at night. The "EXIT" sign just happened to flash up while I was taking the picture (it changed a few moments afterward), but is just perfect on a number of levels.

Good night!

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