Thursday, May 11, 2006

Getting your ducks in a row...

...can be more of a challenge than you'd think, as shown in this rather modest February 2006 footage from Prospect Park, Brooklyn.

I just thought it was cool that they were literally swimming in circles. As the old saying goes, "When in danger, when in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout." But the ducks keep rather calm and collected. They clearly let trouble run off their backs like, um, water off a duck's back? OK, let's move on.

But there is something inherently funny about ducks - in high school it was always "Psst! Wanna buy a duck?" "Does it quack?" "Of course it quacks - it's a duck!" I'm not sure if the humor lies in the word or the animal, or both.

And the duck theme has continued to dog me (note to self: should that be "duck"?) to the present day. In fact, two weekends ago I ended up playing Duck, Duck, Goose with some rambunctious 4-year-olds. Very interesting, although we may or may not have had a firm grasp on the rules. But maybe I should duck the question entirely.

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