Friday, March 06, 2009

No Photos

For some reason, I just haven't gotten around to taking photos recently - even when I've made a point of bringing my camera (recent cases in point: Game Night, LB's latest concert, and Peru trip send-off). This slows down the blogging to a near-halt.

Game Night last Saturday was fun - 8 people schlepped out to Brooklyn for the occasion (another 6 were already here), and we enjoyed spicy lasagna (my old standby), cauliflower curry (to which I added beets, potatoes and carrots for a colorful antioxidant feast), and chickpea masala (with black beans and blackeyed peas instead of chickpeas, so sue me).

I also made forbidden love pasta using a recipe from one of the free subway papers. Not so great. It was way too heavy on the acorn squash - I had to use almost a quart of chicken stock to thin out the sauce so it could be poured on the pasta - and the spices were too diluted by that point to leave any flavor. The pomegranate seed, sunflower seed, and walnut topping was nice though. It might be at least partly my fault that the recipe turned out too squash-heavy (or squashed by squash, if you will): I was supposed to use 2 acorn squash, and I did.... but one of them was ginormous.

We didn't end up playing mahjong this time, just Taboo toward the end of the evening. Good times.

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