Sunday, May 31, 2009

Ce Mois de Mai (coda)

Today was Pentecost Sunday. Don't tell the fire marshal, but if you look closely, you can see tongues of fire descending on the congregation:

Here's a closeup:

At the moment, the only tongue I'm speaking is English. You know your French accent is really bad when non-francophones think you're speaking German.

Yesterday KJ and I took it easy. We watched Quantum of Solace, then went for a walk in the park, where we saw (drum roll please) an Elmo pinata! It was a bit high for the kids, but it looks like they have a sort of pulley system rigged up.

1 comment:

Steph J. said...

No, see, the pulley system is what keeps Elmo out of reach before the pinata "activity" has actually started. You don't want to risk Elmo getting sabotaged before his time!

Steph (Never purchased a pinata, but have attended several kid birthday parties that had them. Very difficult, arming children with sticks and telling them there's candy inside Elmo)