Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Day at the Museum

I've been meaning to take pictures of the mosaics at the natural history museum subway stop for years. Finally, I had an excuse!

We only got to look at a few of them, but they are all so good.

Here's a snake:



Gotta love the ladybugs:

A visit to the aquarium:

Inside the museum, we went to the special exhibit on the human brain, and tried some of the interactive stuff. I liked the language lab, where we could listen to a native speaker of (for example) Igbo pronounce a word, see the sound pattern, and then record our own attempt to repeat the word. We could then compare the two sound patterns (visually) and also play back the recording for comparison with the original audio. Lee turned out to be really good at the image recognition test.

We also looked at the sea creatures exhibit (featuring a small but life-size blue whale, fitting since we had just learned in the dinosaur exhibit that whales are actually ungulates).

We passed through the gift shop on the way to see my favorite part of the museum

Yes, the masks from tribes in the Pacific Northwest. Just love them - especially the ones with hinges and inner designs

This is a really cool skirt as well:

Afterward, we stopped in to Central Park:

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