Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Beach Views

I have spent most of the day working on my Túrin Decision-Making Flow Chart (sort of excused as coursework, as it forces me to delve into the Silmarillion), rollerblading (more trips to the local store in hopes of seeing the Girl Scout cookie table again), beautifying (nails and Nair), and working on a book review for Mythprint (which mostly involved re-reading the children's book I agreed to review).

So I've been swamped! Swamped, I tell you!  Though I'll admit it's hard to feel swamped with ocean views and the sound of the waves crashing in their unhurried yet inexorable way.

But I took time out of this incredibly hectic schedule to go down to the beach and take some pictures.

This sign cracks me up.

Egg sac.

Before Sunset.
Yeah, I could get used to this.

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