Saturday, February 28, 2015

Urban Hiking

I don't own crampons, so the easiest winter hike is literally a walk in the park.  I can force myself to do a single loop (3.35 miles) even if I'm not in the mood for it, and I've learned that I can eke out another 3.35 miles if I reverse directions at the end.  (Going around a second time in the same direction seems all too boring, even though I'm listening to an audiobook or podcast the whole time!  Go figure - it's all about psychology.)

Something has caused this pine to lean in...

Pine tilting toward three-quarters moon
Just beyond the pine, there are two trees that are simply dazzling in winter.  (I'm always surprised that no one else stops to ogle them as I do.)  I think the effect may be due to the color of their bark; it's silvery white, and yet it seems simultaneously to glow gold in the afternoon light.  On a sunny day, against the bright winter sky, with snow on the ground, the quality of the light is arresting.

Trees luminous in the late afternoon
The overall scene

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