Saturday, April 19, 2008

Wyanokie High Point Hike

We drove out to a state park in New Jersey for an easy 6-mile hike. Some of the group had never hiked before, so we took it very slowly, with plenty of breaks to enjoy the scenery (about 5.5 hours).

The trail went by two waterfalls. Here's the first one:

Many people had a snack, or even a lunch, by this waterfall - though it was never really clear if the stop (or any other) was intended to be a lunch break.

The nice thing about this first waterfall was that it had a nice flat, dry rock at the top, so you could give yourself a real Fallingwater experience by sitting atop the falls:

People also took lots of pictures while we rested:

Ed explained some of the principles of hiking, such as how to read the blazes on the trees:

The second waterfall was a lot bigger. This was sort of the midpoint of the hike - but somehow it was all uphill from here!

Two hikers at the top of the second waterfall:

Refreshing cool streamwater on a hot day:

People helped each other across the stream:

Although some of the more experienced hikers may not have really needed the help:

Resting midstream:

Offering a helping branch:

From one of the first high points on the hike, we had a nice panoramic view:

Terry waits for the sweep:

Another unofficial lunch/snack break:

Andrew gives the victory sign:

A raptor circles overhead:

Time to move on for the final leg of the journey:

Or not! Mike is perfectly happy to sun himself on this rock:

A rushing stream:

A flowering tree near the visitor's center at the end of the hike:

A tranquil scene on the Hudson as we drive back into Manhattan:

A tree blooms on Broadway:

We'll probably do more advanced hikes in future, but this was a nice start.

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