Monday, January 11, 2010

Unscripted Conversations

This week promises to be a big one for facing my fears. Tomorrow I start my first-ever French conversation class. Chatting with strangers in French? Yup, only one element missing to make it a perfect storm.

Elsewhere, I know what I need to do - it's just the doing that seems so incredibly hard. There's no way to break deeply ingrained habits except by forming new ones. Supposedly six weeks are needed for new habits to set.

Tim Keller talks about the heart as an idol-manufacturing factory. If you tear down one idol, another will quickly take its place. He argues that only God - the gospel - can displace our idols. This seems at first to play right into the hands of those who argue that God is a social construct; what is the content of this "God" that we are supposed to enthrone in our hearts? But the gospel (in Keller's telling) is a specific way of understanding God that maybe (just maybe) gets away from the content dilemma: it's an understanding that we are far more hopelessly lost than we ever imagined, and more generously loved - at far greater cost - than we could ever dare hope. With respect to the dethroning of idols, however, there is no six-week victory; Keller says he believes the process "will take our entire lives."

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