Sunday, June 25, 2017

8 Mile - Brooklyn Edition

I was supposed to go to the zoo in Manhattan this afternoon, and since my friend was first attending church in Manhattan I figured I'd darken the doors of my local church as well.
So I enjoyed a nice morning in Brooklyn.

A few minutes before I was going to have to leave for the Adventure by Subway, I thought to check my phone -- and I learned that my afternoon had freed up due to parade/traffic complications.

So it was a fine day for some nice walks around Brooklyn, interspersed with Relihan's translation of Consolation of Philosophy.  I headed the long way around the perimeter of Prospect Park to get to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
An Answer to the Age-Old Question, Do Trees Grow in Brooklyn?

The bees were out in force today; shown here on lavender, I believe

yellow-and-black on yellow in yellow

Water Lily

The water lily ponds today were graced by a visiting egret.

As tourists crowded around with cameras, the egret promptly took off for the southern pond.

One small step for Egret...

Got it!!!!
There were a fair number of dragonflies on the water lilies in the artificial pine barrens pond in our native flora garden.
Here's Looking at You, Kid

Dragonfly and Ladybug

Turtle Surfacing

Dragonfly on Water Lily Bud - Sneaking Up Behind 

Dragonfly on Water Lily Bud - Side View

Female cardinal
I saw a bluejay in the "native woods" area, but it got nervous as I turned on my camera, and I got only a very blurry picture or two before it disappeared from view.  Just outside, back on the paved path, I saw a beautiful male cardinal - again, I only managed to capture a splotch of red.  As I waited, a female cardinal arrived.  She, too, was fairly shy - but nowhere near as shy as the male.

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