Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Credo, or: Two Sins and a Truth?

I'm inclined to believe, with C.S. Lewis, that those who genuinely and humbly seek God will find him; a good-faith search for the Truth will not be denied.  (Although some may say, in astonishment, at the last day: "So it was you all the time!"  Cf. The Screwtape Letters.)

But two caveats occur to me immediately:
  • If whatever is filling the role of "god" in my life makes me feel like a big-shot, or smug, self-satisfied, or really pleased with myself, it is almost certainly not God, but an idol.  It might even be myself, in disguise, that I am venerating.
  • Conversely, if my worship results in prolonged feelings of worthlessness or self-loathing (and perhaps concomittant despair), it seems likely my attention is not focused on God but on something else, possibly myself.  This too must be dethroned.
As always, these snares are all the more insidious when they are mistaken for the divine.

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