Thursday, July 26, 2018

Fyghtynge Like Lyons in Malory

  • "Than Arthure as a lyon ran unto kynge Cradilment of North Walis and smote hym thorow the lyffte syde, that horse and man felle downe."  (22)
  • "But whan kynge Arthure saw the batayle wolde nat be ended by no manner, he fared woode as a lyon and stirred his horse here and there on the ryght honde and on the lyffte honed, that he stynted nat tylle he had slayne twenty knyghtes." (23)
  • "Be than com into the felde kynge Ban as ferse as a lyon, with bondis of green and thereuppon golde." (25)
  • "Be that tyme com into the prees kynge Arthure and founde kynge Ban stondynge amonge the dede men and dede horse, fyghtynge on foote as a wood lyon, that there com none nigh hym as farre as he myght reche with hys swerde..." (26)
And how do we get our blow-by-blow description of the battle?  "Bloyse wrote the batayle worde by worde as Merlion tolde him, how hit began and by whom, and in lyke wise how how hit was ended and who had the worst. And all the batayles that were done in Arthurs dayes, Merlion dud hys master Bloyse write them. Also he dud write all the batayles that every worthy knyght ded of Arthurs courte." (29)  It's not entirely clear to me whether Merlyon was present during the battle; but I'm not sure it makes any difference to his knowledge of Every. Single. Detail.  

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