Wednesday, September 13, 2006


There was one matter at my old job that I thought might suck me back in to some extent, under the rubric of "tying up loose ends," but it looks like I am free, free, free at last! And - amazingly - without burning any bridges in the process. I am very grateful for this good fortune.

I have so much to be grateful for, including the new job which gives me peace of mind, a chance to face new challenges and develop new skills, and a real opportunity for the pursuit of happiness.

People who have been on my mind recently: a recent mom, a mom-to-be, an unfortunate flying pedestrian, a marriage that may be ending, and a cancer-fighter who has been caught unexpectedly in some non-cancer fronts as well. My thoughts and prayers for them tonight.


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Laura!

LeesMyth said...

You're welcome, Pedestrian. And congratulations on that amazing personal record - 5 minutes is a lifetime in running!