Monday, June 04, 2007


The church is not a "fire and brimstone" church - more or less the antithesis, in fact - so all the better for a baptism. The call to worship was memorable:

Leader: Something awakened us this morning - perhaps the voice of a child, or the smell of brewing coffee or the newspaper thudding at the door.
People: And now we gather with awakened spirits to worship the Creator of this day.
Leader: Something moved us this morning - we left behind a sufficiency of sleep or a restless night, we left our homes for this church.
People: And now we gather here to worship the Christ who moves among us.
Leader: Something called to us this morning - the Spirit whispered an invitation and we responded.
People: And now we gather to be made new and whole again. Generous God, we come to the banquet of life!

The baptisee remained alert and quiet throughout the ceremony, even somewhat pensive.

Not everyone managed to stay awake through the entire service, though:

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