Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Giant Rabbit

What is it with giant rabbits? From Harvey, to Monty Python and the Holy Grail, to Donnie Darko, to Wallace and Grommit -- they do seize the imagination, don't they??

This one was bigger than the fattest cats I've seen, and bigger than most racoons, too. Which may be why he has survived a year in the "wild" after escaping from the farmer's hutch (nibbling freely on the garden, natch).

I didn't really get a great picture of him. This close-up looks like something the National Enquirer would run (e.g., a picture of "the biggest frog in the world" - held by human hands that are also blown up to 10x regular size):

And the distance shot makes him look only slightly larger than an ordinary rabbit.

Oh well. You'll just have to trust me on this one. Or not, as you prefer.

1 comment:

Runner NYC said...

You can see that s/he's huge by the bricks in the garden!