Sunday, January 13, 2008

A Spirited Mosey

Well, folks, I ran two days in a row, about 2 miles Saturday and another 2 today.* Yesterday, it was split up into four segments (with a cappuccino break at the halfway point, as usual), but I was already quite pleased with myself for the total mileage. So I wasn't planning to run today, since I'm not running for speed or distance or fitness. But a sudden wave of gloominess hit and the choice was either to curl up into a ball and be totally miserable or put on my running shoes and headphones. (OK, there could have been a third way which would involve inflicting my mood on my friends or family - thanks but no thanks.) Today, I ran about 1.5 miles, walked a bit, then ran another .5. Now I have quite a feeling of accomplishment, which I'll cap off by getting to the early bird yoga tomorrow a.m.

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