Sunday, January 27, 2008

Statue of Disney Liberty

Between services, I snuck out to grab a cappuccino and ginger cookie ... which took me right past the Disney store. A patriotic Mickey caught my eye:

Considering how hard Disney fights to prevent its own intellectual property from entering the public domain (long after the copyrights should have lapsed), it's perhaps instructive to see them co-opt public domain figures for their own private use.

But this gets me thinking about putting giant Mouse ears on the real Statue of Liberty. Surely there must be some mischievous college students who are prepared to make that dream a reality? What happened to the elaborate college pranks of my parents' generation? In my senior year at UMd, we talked about filling the ODK fountain with jello as a parting jest, but (alas!) we were entirely too law-abiding for our own good.

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