Monday, September 01, 2008

Come, Labor On (Part 2)

The ferry's first stop was Sandy Hook, a place I associate with glorious rollerblading jaunts (and my first time in a police car), winter walks (one year the bay froze and large ice chunks made me think of an Alaskan tundra scene), as well my inadvertent visit to Gunnison Beach (it was nice and quiet, and I was minding my own business, so it took me a while to realize that the 6 other people enjoying the beach were not only all frolicking in pairs, but were all men, and all nude).

As we started up the East River, these cranes caught my eye:

I think this is the closest I've been to the Pepsi-Cola sign... which always somehow reminds me of the Coca-Cola script. The sign was considered for official landmark status, but does not seem to have made the cut at this point. It has nonetheless been completely refurbished at least once (in 1994), moved at least twice, and is up for one more move according to the Queens Gazette (July 23, 2008) - another 300 feet south:

(Yes, the sign is clearly loved.)

I liked the homely silhouette of the ESB and its neighbors; a Sesame Street feel:

This group of towers was also rather striking:


Unknown said...

The "first time you were in a police car"? How many times have you been in police cars?

LeesMyth said...

At least once. :-)