Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Walk: Toddler Edition

Clara and I went for a little hike down a gentle ski slope. Her mom had warned me that Clara would need to be carried back up - she did not warn me that Clara would insist on hiking barefoot!!

Here, she is soothing her feet in the little stream generated by a morning rain shower.

Apparently, nobody told Clara that fall foliage is to be enjoyed through the eyes, not through the mouth. I think she's a bit confused about why I grabbed the leaf away from her (though the evidence still clings to her chin):

On the way back up the hill, I guided Clara back through a different route -- more gentle and paved. I carried her for about 30 seconds, but she managed the rest of the trip on her own. Good girl!

Here's a sample of the early fall foliage:

1 comment:

Runner NYC said...

She's adorable! Sounds like you had a really nice visit!