Monday, February 07, 2011

Mindfulness/Navigation Fail

Tonight I stepped out of my building and headed west to Train A. I walked briskly, because I was running a little late. I got to the station, walked down the stairs, pulled out my MetroCard, and was about to swipe before I realized that I was in the wrong station. Train A takes me to Destination A; but A was not my intended destination.

I then raced back up the stairs and sprinted further west to Train B for Destination B. At the subway entrance for Train B, it dawned on me that B was not my true destination either. On Mondays, it's Destination C.

So I had to turn around and head east, literally retracing my steps all the way back to Train C -- which could have pretty much bitten me on the ankle when I started the grand journey to Destination C.

A journey that is not usually quite so grand, but a mere 30 minutes door-to-door.

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