Sunday, February 06, 2011

The Secret

I borrowed a DVD of "The Secret" from the library recently. The "Law of Attraction" is presented as if it were some immutable scientifically verifiable fact instead of a new age-y fad.

Of course, there is a certain way in which it is true: for example, if you are positive and optimistic and focused on what you want to achieve, you are likely to be more open to opportunities and ideas that will get you where you want to go; and you are likely to be more lively and fun and thus attract people to your side. Conversely, if you are negative and shut down, you tend to alienate people and never make the connections that will help open doors etc.

Contrarian that I am, however, I can't help noticing how often people expect and brace themselves for the worst, and are pleasantly surprised. And how others will sail along blissfully happy only to be blindsided by tragedy. I don't know how adherents of "The Secret" deal with these inconvenient phenomena.

In a weird twist, I've been feeling recently as if I've taken a vow of silence. I actually haven't. Just feel like there are lots of things I can't talk about. It's a feeling, rather than objective reality, but mere knowledge doesn't seem to cure the condition.

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