Friday, September 30, 2011

In Which the Author Despairs of Mastering the Art of #Hashtags

It's true.  I'm a complete novice at twitter, and already I'm second-guessing my first 15 tweets and thinking  how much better they'd be if I had even the slightest clue how to use hashtags properly.

For example, my most recent tweet was:
What is Bella Swan doing in the movie Into the Wild?? Guess she ran off to a hippie camp just before she moved to Forks.
Even I can see there is tremendous room for improvement here.  There's a need for hashtags for Bella Swan and Into the Wild, at a minimum.  What kind of hashtag do you think people use for Bella Swan?  Well, I just did a quick search and found a bunch of tweets with #BellaSwan - so it's not too tricky in this instance.  And it looks like #intothewild brings up other tweets that mention Alexander Supertramp, so it can't be that far off.

So right away, we can see that the tweet could easily be improved as follows:
What is #BellaSwan doing in the movie #IntotheWild?? Guess she ran off to a hippie camp just before she moved to Forks.
But the tone and rhythm are still off.  It lacks that je ne sais quoi.  

Maybe something more like:
Amazing - #BellaSwan appears in #IntotheWild - did she run off with hippies before buckling down to Forks with her dad? #damnhippies
I think that's better, but it still needs a LOT of work.  So you can see why - as I feared - the deceptively simple 140-character tweets are ultimately far more of a time drain than an open-ended blog.  ("If I had more time, I'd have written you a shorter letter.")  

Alas, I'm still a nattering nabob of negativism I suppose - who seeks (maybe) to become a twittering typer of texts.  

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