Saturday, September 03, 2011

Day 3: Wye River Walk East

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In the morning, we set off East on the Wye River Walk.  The idea was to save the west-bound journey for the afternoon, so we could enjoy one of the pubs en route.

We went past residences in town...

... and quickly reached fields and farms.

A plum tree full of ripe plums greeted us as we entered on to a golf course.  I picked one from the tree, and one from the ground.  They were both delicious!

Although we assume that golfers are probably not too keen on walkers tromping across their course (just as we are not keen on their hitting small white balls across our path), we saw no golfers on our way out.  Instead, as we followed from marker to marker, we noticed many sculptures.  Most were flat, puzzle-like metal outlines of animals (and often animals one might not expect to find in Wales, let alone on a golf course).  These sculptures were more playful than most, and were the only human figures we saw:

I liked this flower, which reminded me of queen anne's lace, but with distinctive lavender and white petals.  It's a bit hard to see here, but each cluster was a core of lavender fringed by white:

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