Thursday, March 22, 2018

Escape from the Nor'easter

I hadn't even heard about the storm until I was en route to Albany; my colleagues were obsessively monitoring the predictions.  Eventually, I got so worried about traveling back to the city right at the peak of the storm that I decided to ride it out up north... where we did not experience a single flake.   

It turned out pretty well; despite a sleepless night worrying about the storm, I was able to spend my erstwhile travel day very productively in my pleasant room.

balcony overlooking faux colonial-era town square
By contrast, the ride home on Amtrak was tremendously unproductive, as the wi fi craaaaaaawwwled and frequently cut out.

The programs that initially warranted my trip went well, and it was great to meet up with my favorite ex-colleague and her husband.

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