Sunday, September 16, 2018

Glasgow Redux

One of 12 posts about my 2018 UK Trip (Glasgow + West Highland Way + Oxford)
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I took the train down from Fort William to Glasgow, a pleasant trip.

dual language station sign

They're hoping it will be back in service shortly
In Glasgow, I had a little bit of time to catch a museum before closing.  The closest and most convenient choice was the museum of modern art.

In front of the museum, the original sculpture has been improved with a new traffic cone hat

The city seems to strike a sometimes-uneasy balance of old and new.

another wonderful mural

Inside Waterstone's: "Essential Fiction" includes (among others) The Color Purple and The Catcher in the Rye

a lovely miniature origami swan, attached with a tiny clothespin
(the dumplings were quite nice, as well)

on the building in back, you can see part of the city's motto, "PEOPLE MAKE GLASGOW"

Central Station, my hub

A view from my hotel room -- I loved this building:

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