Thursday, October 20, 2011

Interview with a Four-Year-Old

Over the summer, I participated in the following dramatic interview.

Interviewer: That's a pretty ring.
Me: Thank you!
Interviewer: Is it your marriage ring?
Me (after a beat, brightly): No, I'm not married.  Your Grammie and Gramps gave me this ring.  Isn't it nice?
(Interviewer's brow furrows as she puzzles this out.)
Interviewer: But I thought you were old enough to get married. 
(Slight pause; thou too, Brutus?)
Me: I am old enough to get married. But I haven't found the right guy yet.
(Interviewer thinks a few moments, clearly flipping through her mental rolodex of unmarried grown-up men with whom I might be compatible.)
Interviewer: What about Great-Gramps?

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