Sunday, July 10, 2011

Jessie's Girl

As I was skating uptown this morning, I had my most recent iTunes purchases on shuffle. One song that came up was an a cappella version of "Jessie's Girl" by a group called Freshman Fifteen.

The lines that really stood out to me were:
And I'm lookin' in the mirror all the time,
wondering what she don't see in me
I've been funny,
I've been cool with the lines
Ain't that the way love's supposed to be
Because that's actually the core of the problem for our love-lorn narrator, isn't it? He's looking in the mirror all the time. It's all about him - not about her.

Again and again, the word-choice underlines this point (he wants to have a woman like that, with that body of hers, and clearly doesn't care who he hurts in the process, such as his good friend). Why should she give up someone who may actually care about her ... for this jerk?

It's a good song to skate to. Kept re-playing this and "Light Up the World Tonight" (from Glee)....

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