Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Tuesday Night Skate

So this is what I was up to last night:

I skated south to north on the Hudson River bike path, as is my wont.

This billboard at first glance seems to promote "IOCANE RUM" in homage to The Princess Bride:

(The real name of the rum does nothing for me - far too pedestrian for my tastes.)

I believe this is one of the fake pier sculptures, rather than a rotting pier:

Don't tell Howard Camping, but it looks like he was off by two months. This poster reveals the truth -- "IT ALL ENDS 7.15"

There were several new sculptures of river-watchers. These two (here glimpsed afar through the trees) were my favorites:

They're made of wood, but gleamed like gold in the late evening sun:

A locomotive:

A bridge-like sculpture:
Setting sun:
Birds in twilight:

I went all the way up to the Pier i Cafe at 70th Street, where I enjoyed a blueberry lemonade. I got through all the chapters of the audiobook I'd brought with me, so I listened to them again on the return trip, but this time cleaved close to the water on the pedestrian path rather than sticking to the biking/skating path. (It's more appropriate to my skating speed anyway.)

Freeze-frame of a fountain:

Playground equipment becomes a sinister web in the deepening dusk:

Moon over New Jersey:

Photo on the move:

Luminous sky and water:

The Statue of Liberty after dark:

Based on the very cool Google Maps route choosing feature, it appears that I skated 12 miles. Woot!

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