Saturday, July 23, 2011


N.B. This is one of a series of posts about my short trip to Nova Scotia. Feel free to browse forward or backward using the navigation links.
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After the wedding, we had a bit of time before the  reception.  A's kids played outside.


I believe the historic buildings at the Highland Village were transported here from elsewhere, much like the Henry Ford Museum.  But this farm building, in particular, seemed very well-suited to its environment (see above).  The mysterious contraption (see right) was apparently a treadmill for dogs.  I wouldn't have thought such a device would be in high demand in a rural setting...

Below, some farm equipment juxtaposed with the church.

All of us elementary school buddies posed for photos together, plus a few spouses and offspring.

How cool is that?!  


The reception featured some delicious food plus a congratulatory cake (see above).  Decorations included bobble-head lobsters in salvaged lobster traps (see right).  The bride and groom also offered gifts of homemade blueberry jam to their wedding guests!  Each jar was beautifully decked out with a bit of tartan.
Some musicians played Scottish jigs.  There was a caller to guide us novices in the set dancing, later on, but as you can see, the bride and groom were in excellent form without any outside assistance.  (Not fair, I think they've been practicing!!!) 

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